Thursday, March 19, 2015

Apple Watch Edition, $10,000 For One Year?

Recently, Apple has announced their Apple Watch. A smartwatch that connects to your phone to allow you to view notifications, track your pulse, and even call people. It comes with a steep price however, with the cheapest being $350, the next starting at $540 (more than a new iPad!), and the most expensive starts at $10,000. No, I didn't add an extra 0, it costs ten thousand dollars for the base model.

Now this is where I have my gripe with the Apple Watch Edition. As we all know, tech doesn't last very long. Everyone's iPhone is outdated in a year when the newest shiny gadget is released by Apple. Now, this isn't so bad when you have an on-contract phone for $200. You'll just wait for your two year contract to expire so you can get the newest phone. But when you've spent $10,000 on a watch, it's not so easy.

I understand buying expensive watches because they're well made and last long. Some well built watches can stay in a family for hundreds of years, however, those watches are able to be repaired by watchmakers when they break down. The same can't be said for the Apple Watch. If you drop the Apple Watch, or somehow damage the internals, your $10,000 watch is done for good. Even more imminent is the fact that your precious watch will be outdated in another year. And then what? Most people won't have the liberty of being able to spend $10,000 every year or two. So is it just a worthless piece of junk now? Do you sell it to someone on ebay in hopes of recouping some of the cost?

All in all, I think that the Apple Watch is a great idea that will help make people's lives easier, but I just don't think that anyone should be buying a $10,000 smartwatch.

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