Sunday, October 12, 2014

The PSAT, Is It Judging You?

In 3 days we're going to be taking the PSAT test. This test determines who's eligible for the National Merit Scholarship. Although these standardized tests provide an easy way for administrators to quantify a student's performance do they really demonstrates a student's intelligence?

According to the College Board, the SAT does NOT measure a students intelligence. It measures how well a student would do in college. I think that this is a good thing, I don't believe that one test should show how smart a student is. I think that grades or more focused tests such as AP Test better demonstrate a student's knowledge than the SAT. They allow student the time to make a mistake and correct it, rather than just taking a 4 hour test and that determines your college success.

However, what I don't agree with is the fact that the PSAT is used for the National Merit Scholarship. I don't think that it's fair that two tests (the PSAT and SAT), should determine if you should receive a scholarship for college. One student could be good at taking tests, get the scholarship, and drop out of college. While another student, who's not so good a taking tests, doesn't get the scholarship, but graduates college Summa Cum Laude. 

Standardized tests have both advantages and disadvantages, but I think it's a good thing that they don't exist to gauge how smart you are.

Good luck to everyone on the PSAT on Wednesday!


  1. I agree that the tests should not prove how smart you are, because there are a number of factors that could cause someone to do poorly on a test, even if they are very smart. Not only that, but there are certain parts of the test that some people are better at, and other parts that aren't as good. In one of my classes last year, we read an article on the SAT and how it has become almost worthless. I believe that the ACT serves more of a purpose.

  2. Josh-
    I agree with you, I don't think that the PSAT or SAT should test a student's intellegence, but I also don't think it is going to accuratly represent how a student will do in college. Just because on test says that a student will thrive in a college environment, doesn't mean that they will. Testing might have been one of their strong suits, but when they get to the classroom environment, they might choke up. I think that standardize testing can be helpful, but I don't think it should be the end all be all of tests.
